Club Visioning

Visioning is the foundation of a successful club, bringing its members together towards building Continuity of leadership, Consistency in programing and Consensus towards purpose and action. The visioning process allows the club to develop a mission statement that provides a road map that is easy for leaders and members to understand and serves as a foundational piece for any club that wants to grow and become more effective.

Rotary Club Visioning is now available in virtual or live format. When meeting in person, it is a 4-5 hour session, or it can be two, 2-hour sessions when virtual.  

If your club is interested in envisioning a bright future, or in updating your current goals, you can complete the Club Visioning Request Form to discuss scheduling a visioning session for your club.


Larry Sloan, Chair (Louisville)
District Leaders
District 6710 Facebook Page
District Events